Today, as we consider the New Age Gospel, our texts are found in 2 Timothy 3:1 & 13,
This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.
Back in the 1940s through the 1960s, the predictions of psychic Jean Dixon laid the country by the ears. She foretold the assassination of Ghandi. She foretold Nero’s death and succession by Shastri eight years before it happened. She foretold the assassination of Kennedy, eleven years before it happened, and it was recorded in Parade Magazine… She predicted China would go red… Franklin D. Roosevelt consulted her… She said, Ahh… but he will! I’ve seen him…
Well, she got it through a crystal ball that was given to her by a gypsy when she was younger. She got it through tarot cats. She had a magic cat. And then, she studied astrology which had been taught to her by a Roman Catholic priest.
On the night of July 14, As she lay sleeping, she suddenly felt as though she were an eiderdown. Then she felt a serpent crawling up around her body until the snake’s head got opposite hers…